Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Warning of "ransomware" blocking smartphones viruses and demands money for the thaw

Millions of computer users have been affected by the virus called ransomware, but now cybercriminals targeting smartphones


Internet fraudsters are targetting tens of millions of British customers with a virus which locks computers until the victim pays a £500 ransom to be released, the National Crime Agency warned today.


Consumers are warned against a new wave of phones capture people mobile computer viruses and released only once a fee is paid to offenders.

Known as ransomware, viruses have been used to attack personal computers in the past, but are now pulled into the mobile market, according to experts of cybersecurity.

Viruses are often sent as attachments to emails which infect an operating system once it is opened.

The device is then completely blocked and useless until a fee be paid to those responsible.

Ransomware first appeared in the United States a decade ago, when cybercriminals to infect millions of computers with virus blocking.

The user receives a message requesting the payment was made to an offshore bank account in exchange for a code that unlocks the computer.

Two years ago, millions of people in Britain were also central to block the virus demanding £ 500 to release your machine.

Cybercrime is growing at an alarming rate with experts warn that companies could cost up to £ 2,019 1.3 trillion.

Q & A

What is ransomware?

A virus that blocks a device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone and then demand a ransom to unlock it.

Where does it come from ransomware?

It first appeared in 2005 in the United States, but quickly spread around the world, as well as other so-called malware.

How to infect a computer?

The virus is usually found in an attachment to an email claiming to be something innocent. Once opened, the machine making it impossible to access or retrieve something shop there, like photos, documents, music, etc. freezes

How can you protect yourself?

Antivirus software can protect your machine, but cybercriminals are constantly working on new ways to bypass this protection.

As you expected the victims to pay?

The rescue required varies, but when there was an attack in the UK two years ago, people were charged £ 500


Monday, 4 May 2015

5 The hot technology stocks Buy


A little extra power in the gastrointestinal tract IT could be just to strong earnings fiver These ActionsIn 2015, the stock market continues to fall hard and the labor market continues to improve job seekers a paragraph Across America.
dollar sign keyboard tech stocks to buy 630 ISP 300x227 5 Hot Tech Stocks to Buy Now
Who laid the foundations esta possible by a resurgence in business technology companies such as gastro crawled in good times planned in advance.
The research firm Forrester said a few weeks ago "CIOs can confidently push the paragraph 2015 budget increases of 4 percent to 6 percent in terms of acquisition of technology goods and services"
The panorama is more depressed overall, but still gastro Technology International is moderate growth mode, too.
The conclusion is that companies that want to grow 2,015 need to invest in the last paragraph to technologies. Sometimes this is the data analysis, it is sometimes cybersecurity time that the software is cloud computing.
Palo Alto Networks Inc. (PANW)
PaloAlto185 5 Hot Tech Stocks to Buy Now
Palo Alto Networks Inc. (NYSE: PANW) is up over 15% from 1 January to 85% in the last 12 months thanks to a mayor of attention to cybersecurity.
And this while technology stocks currently manages A small loss, remember that arrived in 2012 and solo in public is largely in the growth mode. Idem If PANW invests in a large here, hoping to be consistently profitable next year, hay and many reasons to think sera as a success. Palo Alto Networks, ended fiscal 2012 of $ 255 million in revenue and is expected to reach some $ 880 million the year esta income - the best growth in three years 230%.
In addition, we Solido PANW a $ 1.1 billion balance Fence with cash and investments in the books, there is no risk of growth plans if running off the rails.
The product esta principal balance of cybersecurity is a firewall that protects raised a wide variety of businesses worldwide, trust companies as Motorola Solutions Inc. (NYSE: MSI) and Raymond James Financial, Inc. (NYSE: RJF) and as PANW continue doing events like Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE: SNE) or hacking Anthem Inc. (NYSE: ANTM) approach to data breach means for maintaining a low seguridad gastro -oesophagien.
PANW or on its own merit is lifted or serums most attractive acquisition targets para other shares of the following year or technology company in the back.
Securities purchases of Accenture Technology Plc (ACN)
Accenture185 5 Hot Tech Stocks to Buy Now
Accenture Plc (NYSE: ACN) is a technology consulting firm that has been a tear since October, compared to 17% in five months, almost double the profitability broader market over the same period m .
He Weight De esta recent series of new records every time, is still valued with a nice lot of room to suffer in the coming months.
As recently noted Dan Burrows Graphics Fri look very Accenture A recent gold cross and now "ACN’s a performance period of past two months, rising 0.7% in March and April 2% The last decade on average. "
But Graphics: Besides the price alone story is hopelessly continue with the UN gastro-IT in 2015 is that companies continue to hire and expand. Thus informed Until version without income March 26 report to December was very strong and showed a rhythm in the upper and lower lines and growth in five to four business groups. This bodes well for quarterly reports Para One then do a few weeks.
ACN is the forward gain value is less than the S&P 500 versus 17 17.5 for the market in general - is not big discount UN, but at least one indicator that there is in the other Shares air bubbles Gas Technology. And while knew DIVIDENDS 2.3% is burning the house is higher than the average of 1.8% of S&P and now 10-year T-Note.
But the main reason to purchase ACN paragraph is not for dividends or business improvement - is the hope of a recovery in the permanent in Business Technology gastro Throughout 2015, companies invest in themselves ... do not Accenture hiring para home of high technology in order.
Purchases of technology stocks: Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO)
Cisco185new 5 Hot Tech Stocks to Buy Now
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) stock technology is a mega-cap stocks Many Fingers Purpose with more cakes. But the common theme between the different divisions Cisco're focus on technologies company information is contracts with some of the largest companies in the world.
And following m, CSCO tail also benefits from the increased spending of the Company in 2015.
CSCO shares also now offers with a certain advance on the value P / E of 12.4, well below the rate for S & P 500 dividends Cisco also offers 3% to about US $ 54 million in cash and investments.
Cisco establecida're steady there, capped with 140 billion dollar market and one of the brands of technology. But also it has the afternoon of growth that CSCO gains in November included the "stronger (tax) income in the history of Q1" according to a press release, and its leaders "clearly optimistic "reports RESULTS Following are a few weeks old in February.
Although Cisco UN to have lower performance in 2015, it is interesting to note EL Stock CSCO It was a big gap in February by gains on optimism, and investors more confidence in this giant release Technology Winning after a series formless quarterly Forte.
This! He now is the time invested für Cisco availability Book sign another top section.
Technology stocks shares a cart Fortinet Inc. (FTNT)
Fortinet185 5 Hot Tech Stocks to Buy Now
FTNT is the "Goldilocks" perfect social cybersecurity - not too big nor too small. It serves major clients, including the stock exchange Nasdaq OMX Indiana University, while growth indicators by adding to the coming year may impress.
It Unlike other actions in space, impressive front line of Fortinet experienced growth groom profitable comfortable use that are not in cash burn mode. 2014 income tax reached $ 770 million increased by nearly 80%, from $ 433 million in fiscal 2011 - the impressive growth rate of the Company, but was turning a profit ago many years.
This good performance FTNT MEANS this scam capitalized US $ 1 billion in cash and investments as well - especially zero debt.
Bears Fortinet Inc. You will notice that I had a quarterly report there is a hard day with the sliding action after the company reported a net profit would fall. But the details and seemed apparently those very INVESTORS No. Concerned is that it is of the population, more than 10% for the year to date, despite the title of este seems disappointing.
This is only must Adjusted earnings for the elimination of cargo One Time was actually in line with expectations, revenue was 26% in total turnover up 35% year on year. Consequently, the solution did not last more than a few days and Share Fortinet reacted with hope for a bright future.
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
MicrosoftNew185 5 Hot Tech Stocks to Buy Now
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) is that I stay behind around Thanksgiving, but investors should consider taking a position in social Weigh has recently esta technology and selling weakness After Mass January salary.
The reason is most important in my mind is that unlike other companies that could estar High Flight of risks in a bubble, Microsoft Amado - and buy Florist United Nations Business. This is not easy to find in technology right now.
A MSFT considered avant-price gains 14.2, not a technology unless another portion of the shares, but less than the P / E of about 17.5 All S & P.
In addition, we When the action MSFT led a coup in January of the word of your business that Windows was not as robust as the company continues to evolve con non Designed significant growth in its software division and its range equipment cloud Surface tablets.
And of course, Microsoft is one of the biggest brands in the world and a very generous stable version of redemption, with more than 100 billion in cash and investments, and action and future dividend plans.
With the production MSFT About 3% today, with all the negativity in the price, you could do worse than confidence for Technology Stock esta least has so much money not protect another sector sparkling form technology

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Top 5 free video streaming websites


Online webcast is one of the most popular Internet activities. To view a video of the world, news summaries, TV shows, tutorials, or funny videos, you are sure to find something you like in one of the five best video streaming sites.

1. Youtube.com


The video broadcast on the most popular web, YouTube has thousands of videos on nearly every topic imaginable, all users submitted and free to see. The videos are currently offered in widescreen format, though most videos submitted retain the original 4: 3 widescreen In addition, videos can now be loaded and displayed in high quality.

YouTube videos are often short home movies, but many record companies are releasing versions of their most popular video in low quality site. If you want a summary of the latest sports game, news cast, or speech, Youtube is your best choice.

Pros: Youtube offers: 9 ;: 16 Video playback quality; supports almost all video formats; a large audience for your videos; the ability to embed videos on a blog or website; The reactivity of the video; The custom video home page; and the ability to restrict access to the video.

Cons: Although the site is very popular, has some problems. There are too many spam comments; Video 100MB limit; and standard quality video can not be embedded in blogs or websites.

2. Vimeo.com


Vimeo is a free sophisticated video sharing site. Basic users can upload up to 500MB of video content per week, or pay for an account to download more. Vimeo attracts a wide variety of video artists, and is often used to upload short films, games, and wallets.

The site offers full support for widescreen streaming high definition and a wide range of video codecs, so it is ideal for viewing and sharing high-quality, high-definition personal video instead.

Pros: Vimeo has an easy to navigate interface; the ability to create and moderate video groups; support for high-definition video; up to 1GB of video files for premium accounts; Community forums and an artistic user base.

Cons: Because Vimeo is used so often Uploader great films, it can take over an hour to convert a single video.

3. Metacafe.com


Metacafe pulled his popularity with his flock views monetary system. Many videos on YouTube are duplicates, but also the content, there are a variety of video tutorials on various topics, including: DIY hacks; magic; and scientific experiments. If you are interested in making money on the opinion page of your video, Metacafe is the ideal site for use.

Pros: Metacafe has a popular display system payment page that allows users to be compensated for their videos. Videos can be downloaded with a link under the video or embedded in blogs or websites. The site has many high quality tutorials.

Cons: Metacafe increased their video resolution, and most of the videos are now pixelated due to oversampling. Many videos are from YouTube clones.

4. Hulu.com


The first site to legally offer a wide range of TV programs for free, Hulu was founded by NBC and offers dozens of free TV series - both current and off-air broadcasts. Some of the TV shows offered includes: The Simpsons, Family Guy, Philadelphia, Bones, Buffy against vampires, and The Office. Unfortunately, Fox and some other stations fired some free shows in the list to force you to upgrade to a paid version.

In addition to offering TV shows, Hulu also has a catalog of movies available for viewing, as popular shows as: Spy Game, The Liar, Ghostbusters, Men in Black and The Karate Kid.

More: Hulu videos can be viewed in 360p for slow Internet connections. Popular clips are available for shows and recent movies and popular television. New series are available, with new episodes appearing up to a week after being shown on cable. The site is free. The videos can be purchased and downloaded. A staff queue can be created for favorite content.

Cons: Videos can be embedded in blogs and websites; The HD video stream is not available for most videos; and ads are displayed three or more times per video. Website is available only to US residents.

5. Veoh.com


Veoh is a video content site, but has made a name for itself through partnerships with several companies to offer TV shows for free. Offering no television available from Hulu, the more popular shows such as The Bang Theory, Big Friends, According to Jim, CSI, and Everwood.

Besides a large number of free television programs, Veoh also offers submitted content, including video clips funny animations and users.

More: Videos sink the highest resolution quality. Video files can be downloaded and stored on a hard drive for later viewing. User submitted content can be embedded in blogs and websites, shared directly with friends, and stored in a list of personal favorites.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Make Your Windows PC Boot Faster By Getting Rid of Useless Startup Apps


When the computer starts, you sit and wait a few minutes for all those little programs early in the system tray at the bottom? You should not have to. Of course, you will need a pair of important startup programs, but most people have much more than needed to run - you might not even know that many of your startup applications do, and in this case you certainly do not need them to be connected. These computer programs takes more time to start unnecessarily.

Often these programs are useless bloatware installed by the computer manufacturer, while others have a ride with a variety of programs that you have installed. And probably are not needed at all.

Let's talk about how to do it in Windows 8 and Windows 7 (Windows 7 method will work on older versions of Windows, too).

Side note: If you have any programs that run at startup that you do not use at all, you can uninstall from the Windows Control Panel, instead of stopping to run automatically at startup. The choice is yours.

Windows 8

Speed ​​up the boot process is quite easy in Windows 8, because Microsoft has added a powerful tool that helps you to disable startup programs. Windows 8 boot manager even tells you how much each program slows your boot process, so you can easily disable the worst offenders.

To open this tool, click the right button on the taskbar and select Task Manager. Click More details and click the Startup tab.

From here you can select the start programs you want to disable. Check column Impact Startup - programs with a startup impact "High" slow down most things. If you are not sure exactly what is a program, then right-click it and select Search online research on the program name. This will help you understand exactly what a program, so you can decide if you really want to start at startup. To disable a program from starting automatically, click the right button on it and select Disable.

If you decide you need a program to start automatically, come back and re-enable all programs with disabilities. You can still use the programs you clear - they do not want to load at startup automatically.

Using the Task Manager to manage startup programs on Windows 8.1

On Windows 7

If you still use Windows 7, I have bad news: The oldest operating system does not include any good tool, integrated in the way Windows 8 did. You will need a third party boot manager. I recommend CCleaner. CCleaner includes an excellent boot loader next to your main tool cleaning system that will clean the system caches to free up disk space.

CCleaner offers a paid version, but you do not really need - the free version will do whatever it takes. Install it, run it, click the Tools tab and select "Startup". Use CCleaner boot loader in the same way that you use Windows 8. Select the programs you want to disable, click the right button and select "Disable." Looking for the name of an online program if you do not understand exactly what is or does. Unfortunately, CCleaner not detect how much each startup program slows your boot process.

Using CCleaner to manage Startup programs on Windows 7


If you really want more boot speed - and all about speed when it comes to launch applications, open files and save them - upgrade your computer from a traditional mechanical hard drive to the SSD hard drive. SSDs are much, much faster. Even with a large number of startup programs, an SSD can boot faster than a mechanical hard drive would any startup program at all.


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Easy to create the website Funny Videos

It's easy to create the website Funny Videos, and start making good profits. There are people who actually live their pages of funny videos. Follow the steps below to create your own funny video website and benefit.

1. Obtain the domain.


Choosing a good domain name is essential and, in fact, the first thing to do. It is important to realize an attractive and unique name. Not only is it important to get traffic, but traffic to maintain as long as possible.


2. The creation of videos.


If you are able to create their own videos is the best solution for your unique site, but if you're not it's not a problem. You can get funny videos from other sites and develop them. There are also many sites that share videos with others and allow you to access your popular funny videos that can be used. This will make it relatively easy to create your website.


3. Making money.


At this point, you may wonder how you are supposed to make money from this. There are actually many ways to make your website gains funny videos.

You can make money from clicks on ads, banner ads and products that you can sell on your site and receive heavy commissions.

Create accounts with Google and Yahoo to click on the ad and then find internet products that match the type of videos that will be published.

Many internet products will have programs for webmasters which you can sign up for and immediately start promoting products on your site. Once your site develops traffic, you can start hitting big business banner that can pay very well. The combination of different revenue sources will bring a steady income stream, while traffic is increasing.


4. Put your site together.


This part is a little tricky, but there are many computer programs and site builders that can make this process easier and more fun for you.


A good book "make video website" or manual will show you exactly what to do and provide access to the interior of the sources which can make things thousands of times easier.


I am a member of a private society that will teach you how to build a business one month to six figures in the Internet. If you want to make money online, join the society before it's too late.


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Grovemade Review: Hands-On With the Leather & Maple iPhone 6 Plus Case and Dock

Company based in Portland Grovemade is known for its range of attractive wooden accessories designed for the iPad and iPhone, which has been producing for years. MacRumors recently invited Grovemade will practice with two of its newest iPhone 6 Plus products, and took the opportunity, because Grovemade products have been popular with our readers in the past.


We went to the board and the leather and maple correspondence iPhone iPhone Dock. Read on to see what we think.



Arce & Leather iPhone Case

All Grovemade products are created by hand and the attention of society to detail is evident in both the spring and maple and iPhone leather. The base of the iPhone case is made of table (there is also an option for a dark walnut) that was carved to fit the iPhone 6 Plus.



The phone fits well with the maple shell with cutouts for the camera, mute button, headphone jack, speaker and Thunderbolt port. This dark wooden buttons for volume and power, which are coated with foam inside to activate the volume and connect iPhone.



Joined at points where different pieces of wood to create the case, dark wood accents burned, that is aesthetically pleasing, and there are also some wood around each of the ports for a darker look. A piece of leather wrapped around the back of the case and covers the front of the phone, and the leather cover joined another nice piece of maple that protects iPhone screen.



Maple is attached to the cover, there are three pieces of metal, three magnets embedded in the skeleton wooden stick. Inside the box, there are two additional magnets due to the distance to allow pull back leather cover to provide support for the iPhone in landscape mode. There are three separate parking positions that give slightly different angles, and because of the cover, the phone stands out in portrait mode.



All wood used in the case has been polished and leather, available in reddish brown in the case of maple and black in the case of nuts, corresponds well with wood. As in any case leather, it wears over time to a more natural look. A detail of less aesthetic importance observed - no visible line on the leather on the back of the box due to cut inside for the support.



Because the iPhone is fully enclosed in the case of maple and leather Grovemade iPhone screen and back of the phone is protected from scratches, bumps and damage. This is not a case that is designed to withstand a lot of wear as something Otterbox, but it seems reasonable protection.


Several drop tests of moderate height of four feet in wood and concrete damaged or circumstances or by phone. Since this case is wood, it is important to note that it is breakable. If you have fallen into the wrong angle or a point high enough, it is possible that wood can splinter or crack (Grovemade offers a replacement program if for this reason). You also need to treat leather exterior with a reasonable amount of care than any leather product.



We saw no damage to the box after about a month of daily use, but the bridge has become a bit more tired and relaxed as expected with leather.


Wise portability, this is not an easy task. It is bulky and adds a lot of extra thickness to the iPhone, denying the ultra-thin design of new Apple devices. On an iPhone 6 Plus, it probably will not fit comfortably in a pants pocket, and you might even be a tight fit in a jacket. The case is clear, however, so there's not a lot of extra weight to deal with.


With the large wooden box, there are restrictions on loading helmets and accessories that can be used. The standard Apple Thunderbolt cable to charge Apple EarPods works and works, but other headphones can not deliver. The hole is a good size, however, and works with Apple Beats brand.


Maple iPhone Dock

Like the iPhone leather case and wooden pier Grovemade iPhone comes in two wood: walnut and maple. Walnut is dark wood and maple is a light wood, and the two stands are iPhone cases Grovemade. The look of the game is nice, but unfortunately, the media and the leather iPhone are not designed to work together. The thick wood below the box means that not scale well in the spring.



Although the iPhone dock does not work with Maple Grovemade own iPhone leather case, the site says it works with most cases. We found that to be true after trying a variety of different thicknesses cases, including cases of Apple.


The support consists of three parts: a steel base, a maple cover, and a plastic part for holding a lightning cable in place. It is supplied with a cable radius - you have to provide your own.


Weighing in at 3 pounds, spring steel base feels solid and not going anywhere on a desk or table. Due to the weight, no movement of the cradle when connecting or removing your iPhone, so you can do with one hand. Under the base, there is a cable slot iPhone, and an opening in the pulling cable.


The cable is connected by a plastic key holder black lead is the least impressive part of this spring configuration. There are actually two of these brackets cable included in the package, which is good, because one of them broke a week in testing after trying to readjust the cable. The idea is to pull the wire through the platform and fasten with the cable holder, place the lid on the basis of maple so only adapter beam is visible.


Get Cable Lightning in the spring is a difficult task because the fit is so tight, and purely visual instructions are a little lacking. The cable support assembly is an inelegant solution, because every time the phone is placed on the platform, pushing the cable lower beam and eventually have to readjust because only the phone is no more.


With maple deck (in place an integrated magnet), the cable holder and the top of the steel base success is hidden. Fully assembled, the design of the docking station is clean and fits in many different designs with neutral colors. Made Grovemade a range of desk accessories to match the docking station and iPhone, maple and walnut. There is keyboard support, support monitor, mouse pad, cup pen holder clip, and two plant holders.


Who Are They For?

These are attractive accessories, high quality designed for those who appreciate the meticulous work that goes into the manufacture and those who do not mind paying for the work. Grovemade All products are handmade, and if you are someone who likes well-designed handmade accessories, Maple and leather case iPhone and iPhone Dock Maple will not disappoint.


If you are looking iPhone case is compact and does not add much volume, maple and iPhone leather is not for you but if you do not mind how to sacrifice for the function, if not offer much protection as covering both the back and the screen. The appearance of wood and leather is undeniably attractive, even for those who do not necessarily appreciate the aesthetic design.


As for the base, which is like any other media of the iPhone, what you are buying here is the design. It's just a piece of wood and steel that holds your iPhone in place on your desk or bedside, but it looks pretty good to. Do not buy the dock if you want to work with leather case iPhone Grovemade - are not supported.


Although we believe that the Maple Leather iPhone offers quality construction and a set of features that makes it worth the price tag, we were so confident with spring. It looks good, but is much more than pay for something that is unique to fame is its look.



  • Handmade by a small company

  • Made of high-quality wood and leather

  • Excellent craftsmanship

  • Case offers complete iPhone protection


  • Dock and case don't work together

  • Expensive

  • Case is bulky

  • Dock is difficult to set up, Lightning cable shifts

How to Buy

The Maple and Leather iPhone Case can be purchased from the Grovemade website for $129. The Maple iPhone Dock can also be purchased from the website for $99.

T-Mobile now taking orders for the 64GB gold Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge

T-Mobile is now accepting orders for the 64GB Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge in gold.

Galaxy S6 gold

When orders the edge Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 galaxy began March 27, T-Mobile said the variants gold would be available at a later time. That time is now. T-Mobile is accepting orders for any device in gold, which will also be black, that are already available and white, but only for the 64GB model. As for the models of 32 GB and 128 GB, which still appear on the website as soon.

T-Mobile seems to be sending some orders before launch April 10 at the store, so if you are interested in gold Galaxy S6 and S6 the edge of the galaxy, you can place your order now and see where it goes. If not, the total liberation is only 10 days away.